this is going to be a long and sad grab some tissues...
8 years ago today my husband and i adopted our "love child" we named her Ditto...because whenever todd told me he loved me i'd say ditto...just like in the movie Ghost

11/16/2002 we were newlyweds...stationed @ Ellsworth AFB in South Dakota...todd worried i'd be homesick (i was)...and that i'd need company when he was deployed (which was often)
so we went to the humane society of the black hills...and there in the cat/kitten room in the very middle of the floor sat a small puff of fur...looking disdainfully at her surroundings...a little queen...i said "that's the one"...but todd had to look at every other animal in the place...we came back to the room and i didn't see her anywhere...she had no one else could pick her...she was waiting for us...the last of her litter that had arrived that morning
a siamese mix...which as most cat appreciators know are very vocal...and i would joke that it would be nice if she'd come with a snooze alarm...she let you know when she was hungry!
this lady had opinions and could be ornery....whenever todd came home from a deployment it took him a day or two to get back in her good graces...but right down the line she's a "daddy's girl"...she groomed him as if he were filthy every chance she could..and me too if he wasn't handy
we added to our family with another cat and a dog...each has their own story
the 3 animigos |
a few weeks ago Ditto stopped eating very much...some days she'd be fine others not...she lost weight quickly...we hand fed her and she seemed to improve...but then it seemed she was skin and bones overnight...
metabolic tests showed an extremely high ALT (liver function) and glucose...insulin helped but her poor liver was destroyed...the vet suspects a tumor...malignant of her liver
so today at approximately 10:45 a.m....our baby...sweet "Ditz" crossed the rainbow join God and our son-in-law Billy on the other side...she is with family and friends...she will be well loved until we see her again...sleep well my lovely fur baby...momma and daddy love you